Web Development Certification Training


Frontent Development

Course Curriculum

Learning Objectives: You will discover web development and deploy your first website on Amazon Simple Storage Service from the basics through this part of web development courses.

Topics: Writing HTML code using Header Tags, Iframes, Paragraphs, Ordered and Unordered lists, Images, Forms, Links, Tables, Text Formatting, Image Maps. Building an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account and the methods to deploy a static website to AWS Simple Storage Service (S3).

Learning Objectives: Know more about the HTML5 elements introduced and their features in this section.

Topics: Introduction to XHTML, Encoding URL, Handling of multiple file upload using multiple attribute, HTML5 Local Storage, Using HTML5 introduced features, HTML5 form validate/invalidate, HTML5 canvas, drag and drop, HTML5 web workers and server-sent events, and Embedding audio and video in a  webpage.
 Learning Objectives: This section lets you know more about how to style the HTML elements. Also, learn different methods to write CSS as in external, internal, inline.

Topics: CSS Pseudo Classes and Pseudo Elements. Different ways to write CSS, e.g., internal, external, inline. Writing Media Rules hide the visibility of an element. Creating Navigation Bars. CSS Image Sprites and Gradients. Styling of HTML elements-text, lists, tables, and links.
Learning Objectives: This module in web development online certification course will take you to learn about CSS3 Text Effects with various text fonts, creating 2D & 3D transformations & applying animations, transitions to HTML elements. The learners will also be able to use the CSS3 multiple-columns feature and resize UI.

Topics: CSS3 Text Effects using different text fonts. Transitions to HTML elements, creating 2D and 3D transformations and applying animations, multiple columns feature, and CSS3 resize UI. 
Learning Objectives: This section is all about the basic concepts related to JavaScript. After completing this section of the web development certification course, you will be able to manipulate DOM elements.

Topics: JavaScript data types, variables, arrays. Creating loops and writing if-else decision- making statements. Defining and calling JavaScript functions on events. Manipulating DOM elements.
Learning Objectives: In this section of the web development online certification course, you will begin with one of the best CSS & JS frameworks, Twitter Bootstrap 3, that makes web development quick and smooth. You will discover how to incorporate Bootstrap in the project and utilize various Bootstrap features like a carousel, fixed dropdown menu, text, and image grids.

Topics: Using Font Awesome Icons. Getting started with Twitter Bootstrap 3. Bootstrap features like fixed dropdown menu, text and image grids, carousel, bootstrap modal, custom thumbnails.
Learning Objectives: In this section, learners will build a full website using Twitter Bootstrap 3 characteristics that you acquired in the earlier module.

Topics: In this part of the web development online certification course, learners will acquire the knowledge about creating a real-world website with the help of Twitter Bootstrap 3 features, e.g., carousel, Bootstrap fixed dropdown menu, awesome font icons, custom thumbnails, bootstrap modal, text and image grids, sign in/signup form, accordions, and jumbotron.
 Learning Objectives: The coolest features of Bootstrap: we introduce bootstrap ScrollSpy in this module. Learners will use this feature and build websites. We will also introduce you to jQuery and the way of using the components of the same. The last part of this module is about creating a Countdown timer with jQuery timer API. The learner will then use this knowledge to create a timer for events that are about to come.

Topics: Using jQuery UI components, e.g., Datepicker, into your HTML pages and creating a Countdown timer with jQuery timer API, including jQuery in HTML pages, Bootstrap ScrollSpy.
Learning Objectives: Learners will get to know about Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, also known as AJAX. In this section, you will gain insight into how to make ajax calls to Google APIs and process the response. Learn how to include social plugins on your page provided by LinkedIn, Facebook, Quora, and Twitter.

Topics: Making an AJAX call and retrieving the response, and AJAX XMLHttpRequest object. Working with Google APIs. Adding social plugins on your web page provided by Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Quora.
Learning Objectives: We will use the Bootstrap tour JavaScript to embed tour features into the website.

Topics: Integrating Bootstrap tour into the website, starting and stopping the tour.

Course Description

CertOcean’s web development online certification course begins with the introduction to web development. It has introduced the learners to HTML elements, styling the HTML elements with CSS's help, using the latest features in HTML5 and CSS3, and execution of the website on Amazon Simple Storage Service with the help of CSS3.
The learners will be able to use Twitter Bootstrap 3 components like Jumbotron, Forms, Carousel, Fixed Navigation Bar, Thumbnails, ScrollSpy, Modals, Bootstrap tour, Accordion, and many more in our web development certification course.

Below are the references for the projects that we are going to build during these web

1. Drink application
2. E-Commerce website menu
3. Potluck application
4. URL shortener
5. Edureka Bootstrap Tour
6. Michael Schumacher profile
7. AJAX Application
8. Canvas Clock
9. Drink mate web application
10. CertOcean's Bootstrap application

The core objective of web development courses are:
1. Build sites with the help of HTML
2. Represent your sites on Amazon Simple Storage Service
3. Edit websites created with HTML with the help of CSS
4. To use HTML5 Canvas
5. Perform practicals with Java-script to manage things
6. Build attractive sites with the help of Twitter Bootstrap 3
7. Use the new features of Twitter Bootstrap
8. Use jQuery Content Hover Plugin
9. Use components of jQuery UI, e.g., Date Picker in your web pages
10. Telecast Google Maps within your web pages
11. Use social plugins from Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Quora on your web pages
12. Work with Google API

Web Development is like the root of the Internet. In today's scenario, people are shifting themselves in online mode; this is where a Web Developer comes into being. Due to this cause, there has been a gradual increase in the demand for Web Developers. If you learn HTML, CSS jQuery, Twitter Bootstrap 3, and third party APIs from our web development certification course, you will surely put yourself on the top list of Web Developers. More is your creative imagination; better will be your work in this field.
Any individual who wishes to learn the concept of Web Development and apply it practically can go for this web development certification course provided by CertOcean. You can create unique websites after learning HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, and Twitter Bootstrap 3.
You should have a fundamental knowledge of computers. You need not worry about having some information related to programming. We provide you with some recorded sessions on JavaScript Essentials, which might prove out to be helpful for you. Rest, we will teach you in our web development certification course.

You do not need any high-level specifications. It is just that you need 4GB RAM and a
processor, which should be better than Core 2 duo.

You will have to download software for the web development online certification course, whose link will be provided to you by us. You will have to create a Login ID, and then the software can be downloaded by you. The thing about installation is that we conduct a session on installing the software with its configuration. Your LMS also contains the guide for setting up the environment.
The projects like E-Commerce website menu, Canvas Clock, URL shortener, CertOcean's Bootstrap application, AJAX Application, Edureka Bootstrap Tour, Michael Schumacher profile, Drink application, and Potluck application by performing the methods acknowledged by the course, are the ones that are included by us in web development certification course.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Ans: Yes, CertOcean provides you with the lecture recordings on your LMS. Also, we conduct live sessions in various other live batches.

Ans: We have our own "Resume builder tool." This tool will help you in creating the best resume. You have unlimited access to use these templates in various roles and designations. You have to log in to LMS and click on "Create your resume."

Ans: We do not provide a demo session in live classes. However, you can go through the lecture recordings and analyze the quality and level of the content we teach in the class.

Ans: The instructors at CertOcean are holding experience in IT of about 10 to 12 years. They are practitioners from the Industry. They teach quality content to all our learners.

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