Docker Certified Associate Training



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Cloud Computing & DevOps

Course Curriculum


There is importance and need for Containerization in modern applications. Docker associate certified course has emerged as one of the best container platforms in the industry.


  • History of Containers

  • Containers vs. Virtual Machines

  • Containerization

  • Introduction to Docker

  • Container Lifecycle

  • Namespaces and Cgroups

  • Types of Containers

  • Docker Architecture

  • Docker CE vs. Docker EE


You can perform various operations on containers by making setup in Docker engine on Google Compute Engine Instance.


  • Configuration Logging Drivers

  • Detached vs. Foreground Mode

  • Docker Engine

  • Docker Terminology

  • Port Binding

  • Restart Policy

  • Docker Exec Docker CLI


  • Port binding

  • Upgrading Docker Engine

  • Docker CLI commands

  • Docker Exec commands

  • Upgrading Docker Engine

  • Setting Up Docker Engine

  • Setting up logging drivers in Docker

  • Starting Containers in different modes

  • Removing Containers

  • Restarting policy in Docker


You will learn how to write a Dockerfile and create custom images by building the Dockerfile. You will be able to create and manage a remote registry to store your custom images.


  • Docker instruction

  • Build context

  • Dockerfile

  • Docker image

  • Docker Registry

  • Build context


  • Docker image tabs  

  • Setting up 

  • Docker Hub  

  • Write a Dockerfile to create an image.

  • Configuring local registry 

Removing images from the registry


You can now create persistent storage solutions for stateful containerized applications at any time. You can use different methods for storing container data and perform image cleanup for optimization in a straightforward course study.


  • Types of persistent storage 

  • Docker storage  

  • Volumes  

  • Storage Drivers  

  • Device Mapper  

  • Tmpfs Mount  

  • Blind Mounts  

  • Docker clean up


  • Deploy Docker volumes  

  • Docker clean up  

  • Use tmpfs mounts  

  • Configure device-mapper 

  •  Deploy blind mounts


You can create and run the multi-container application using Docker compose and manage a cluster of Docker nodes via docker swarm software.


  • Docker service  

  • Docker swarm  

  • Service placement  

  • Docker compose  

  • Docker stack 

  • Rolling update and rollback


  • Running Docker in Swarm mode 

  • Deploy a multi-container application using compose  

  • Scale services  

  • Service placement  

  • Deploying a service in swarm Rolling updates and rollbacks  

  • Docker stack


Using various built-in network drivers such as a Network Bridge and Overlay network, you can configure Docker. You can now secure the environment by authenticating images through Docker compose.


  • Overlay network  

  • Docker networking  

  • Network drivers  Host &Macvlan

  • Docker security  

  • Bridge network 

  •  Docker content trust  

  • Securing the Docker Daemon


  • Use host &macvalan network  

  • Signing images using DCT

  • Create & use an Overlay network 

  • Create and use a user-defined bridge network  

  • Configure Docker to use External DNS  

  • Securing the Docker Daemon


You will learn how to use the Universal Control Plane, and the Docker Trusted Registry in your company cluster, then install and configure Docker.


  • The universe control plane(UCP) 

  •  UCP architecture  

  • Access control in UCP  

  • Docker Enterprise 

  • Monitoring Using Prometheus Docker Trusted Registry(DTR) 


  • Install UCP  

  • Setup Docker Enterprise edition  

  • Access control using UCP  

  • Installing DTR  

  • Using DTR for Image Storage  

  • Monitoring using Prometheus


You will also learn about container orchestration engine Kubernetes and its various services to help orchestrate Docker containers.


  • Development Kubernetes core concepts

  •  Kubernetes common commands 

  • Pods 

  • Labels, Selector, and Annotations

  •  Services Persistent volumes and persistent volume claims  

  • Storage classes


  • Setup Kubernetes cluster using GKE

  • Kubectl common commands

  •  Deploy a pod 

  • Use a deployment for pod management.

  • Deploy different services 

  • Use persistent storage in 

  • Kubernetes Use storage classes

Course Description

Docker certified associate exams could be given by enrolling yourself in this Docker certified associate training provided by CertOcean. This training is well structured and designed for you to understand the intricacies of the Docker Containerization technology. Docker certified associate course contains everything from Docker's necessary level to advance in Docker Swarm, handling network and security with UPC, Docker Compose, and DTR in Docker. Moreover, this Docker certified associate course covers storage strategies such as volumes, tmpfs mount, Blind Mounts, which can help you in further Containerization of application. 

  • What do Will Participants learn?

  • Understand the fundamentals of Containerization

  • Set up the Docker Engine

  • Deploy a Docker Container

  • Manage Docker Containers

  • Configure Logging Drivers

  • Create Docker images using a Dockerfile

  • Store and share Docker images using registry

  • Utilize various storage strategies

  • Compose multi-container applications

  • Deploy a Swarm cluster

  • Configure network drivers

  • Secure the Docker Daemon

  • Set up Docker Enterprise (Docker EE)

  • Configure UCP and DTR for Docker EE

  • Deploy Kubernetes Pods and Deployments

  • Use Kubernetes Services for application discovery.

  • Use Persistent Volumes for storage.

The introduction of portable, lightweight Container engines has revolutionized the whole of the IT industry. More than 30% of the companies have already adopted new Docker technology, and every year, it is increasing by 40%. There's a unique way for Docker to manage and containerize applications. So, before it's too late, we suggest you learn this Docker certified associate course because this is the correct time to dig into innovation. 

  • Which field people should go for Docker certified associate training course?

  • Professionals are aspiring to clear the Docker Certified Associate exam.

  • Individuals looking to establish their credibility and value in the market as experienced Docker practitioners

  • Principal Software Engineers

  • Cloud Professionals

  • Software Developers

  • Site Reliability Engineers

  • Technical Leads

All you need is the latest Windows, Linux, or macOS with only 4GB RAM for learning the Docker Certified Associate course. To perform various tasks, use the Free Tier GCP account. Additionally, our company will help you set up the required software.

  • How will I execute Practicals in the Docker certified associate training?

Google Compute Engine(GCE) virtual machines will run all your practicals daily. We are available 24X7 to help you out with any of your doubts.

Tools Used:-

Kubernetes- An alternative to Docker swarm

Docker- For containerizing the application


Create a Swarm cluster and deploy the application on the group with an appropriate networking solution.

Containerize the application.

If there is a requirement for Persistent storage for the application, connect the appropriate storage solution.

Application in Docker
Swarm should be available outside the cluster.

Deploy the application on a Kubernetes cluster.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

With us as your guide, you will never miss a lecture or a class because all of our live sessions are recorded and are later accessible for all the students.

You now have lifetime access to our staff for any doubts or queries that also 24X7. So, our team will help you out any day at any time.

Once you have enrolled in the Docker certified associate course, forward training is accessible to you for a lifetime period. Additionally, all the study material required is also available for you.  

Well, of course, yes, once you get yourself enroll with us at any time, then that particular course is accessible for a lifetime.

About 80% of our students taking the Docker certified associate course had experienced a change in their job profile as promoted. There is increased demand for this certified course, so get ready for new job offers.  

You can look at our sample videos of class, which contains very brief information about the Docker certified associate course. So, you won't be able to attend any of our live sessions as a demo session. But we assure you of complete success after the competition of training.


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